Yamuna® Body Rolling
What it is: In Yamuna® Body Rolling (YBR) classes and hands-on Yamuna® work (applied to a client on a massage table, floor or in a chair), we use 8- to 10-inch balls to roll muscles from their origin to their insertion points, which helps align the bones and create space in the joints.
What it looks like: In action, it looks something like a cross between yoga and massage. Students learn simple routines, usually on a yoga mat, to address areas of pain and tension.
Who can do it: ANYONE. Do not rule this out if you can't get up and down from the floor. Yamuna work easily can be done in a chair or wheelchair, lying in bed or leaning against a wall.
What it does: The short answer - it relieves low back, hip, neck, knee, foot, and shoulder pain; helps relieve conditions like arthritis, and can even eliminate sciatica, Tendinitis, Carpal tunnel, Tennis and Golf Elbow, shin splints, Plantar Fasciitis, neuropathy and just general creakiness.
How it feels: Wonderful. It's the kind of work that leaves you feeling both relaxed and energized in your whole body as tension is relieved in places where you didn't even know you were tight. Many have referred to Yamuna's work as "miraculous."
What to bring to class: Just yourself, dressed comfortably. All balls and mats provided for your use at the studio.
Read more about Yamuna here.
Learn more about group and private sessions, rates and class times below under "Classes."
Classical Pilates
What it is: For anyone familiar with his work, the genius of Joseph Pilates goes without saying. Pilates is foundational in helping us re-pattern our movements that have caused us pain. Core strengthening is a term that is generally used, but Pilates' work is truly a lifetime journey that teaches us to move better in everything we do.
What do you offer? Using Pilates' Classical method, we offer all levels of mat and tower classes with a maximum of 4 per class, as well as private/semi-private mat and tower classes.
Who can do it? ​Anyone; beginners welcome, provided you are able to get up and down from the floor. (If not, consider Yamuna® Body Rolling.)
Mr. Pilates taught to each individual body in his private sessions at his New York studio.
With this in mind, Julie uses her background in Yamuna® Body Rolling to assist you in releasing tightness in muscles that might be limiting your movement in the Pilates sequence. Yamuna® and Pilates work go hand in hand to lengthen the muscles and strengthen the body in a way that feels challenging but not stressful.
What to bring to class: Yourself. All equipment, including mats, provided at Studio.
*Julie studied Classical Pilates, for both mat and equipment, with Joel Crosby at Vitality Method studio in Duluth.
Yoga & Aerial Yoga
Note: All aerial yoga instruction is currently taught at Canopy Studio; text Julie at (706) 714-1346 for more information.
What it is: In Aerial Yoga classes, we use the "sling" like a strap, a block, or a bolster as you would in a floor yoga class.
How high is it? The slings are adjustable to different heights, but we usually work around 6 to 12 inches from the floor, using the slings to support weight rather than being completely suspended.
What does it do? The aid of the sling helps us better work basic asanas (yoga poses), and takes compression out of the spine in inversions (think headstand and shoulder stand without feeling the intensity of your full body weight). In being suspended, it actually becomes easier to find our alignment and stillness in the postures. *You do not have to go upside down if you are not comfortable with this; there is an entire catalog of yoga outside of inversions.
Who can do it? Anyone who can get up and down off the floor, as in a traditional yoga class. Beginners or people who have been injured often find it a good entrance to or back into the practice.
Who teaches it? Julie Phillips has a 200-hour Yoga Alliance teacher certification. She teaches therapeutic floor yoga by request at Life Alive, and aerial yoga at Canopy, drawing on her more than 20 years as an aerialist to find ways yoga asanas can be used as therapy to strengthen, stretch and heal.